Confidentiality and parental involvement
Some of our students are aged 16-18, and for those young people we will keep in touch with parent/carers on a regular basis and will seek your permission when required, e.g. to authorise trips and visits, discuss behaviour or attendance issues.
Many of our students are over 18 and we want to help them develop their own independence. We make it clear to all students that we value the ongoing support and involvement of parents/carers whilst they are at college and will discuss, with them, how much information they want us to share with you. We will keep their confidentiality at all times other than in the following instances:
- Child protection: concerns about neglect, physical harm, sexual harm, emotional harm etc.
- Any behaviour that is illegal including: acts of terrorism, sexual violence etc.
- Significant accidents they may be involved in and/or with
- Anything that puts college staff, students, or the general public at risk.
We record all significant incidents and disclosures on our secure systems.