Leeds Inclusive Employer Network (LIEN)
Lighthouse Futures Trust is a founding member of the Leeds Inclusive Employer Network (LIEN). The members meet once a quarter to share success stories, provide inspiration, swap contact details, and formulate ways in which they can support inclusion in the city. Events are free to attend and kindly hosted by members of our network.
“Educate each other. Dive in, get involved, learn on the run. All people ever need is an opportunity to find their way.”
Jamie Jones Buchanan, Leeds Rhinos
We are are looking for individuals/companies who would like to join a focus group to help us drive the future success of LIEN. If you are interested, please do drop us a line at LIEN@ligthousefuturestrust.org.uk.
If you would like to hear more about future LIEN events and network resources, please email Lien@lighthousefuturestrust.org.uk to be added to our mailing list.
Alternatively, make a pledge below, to support the continuing development of inclusive workplaces in Leeds.